Sunday, April 5, 2009

Opening Day Postponed (Updated)

As I'm sure you know by now, the White Sox have postponed tomorrow's Opener vs. Kansas City because of some very cold and snowy weather predictions. Opening Day is now Tuesday afternoon at 1:05 PM. Yeah, I understand the reasoning and I know there's not much the Sox can do in the face of Mother Nature, but this stinks because a) I have some friends with tickets that specifically took off work Monday to go to the Opener and I know some of them won't be able to duck out of work Tuesday. Yes, you can exchange any unused tickets from Monday's game for a slew of other April games but it's just not the same as going to the Home Opener, not to mention that was the only Premium pricing game of the month, so they're getting doubly jobbed. But it sucks for me because even if I was working Monday, I could have followed the game on the radio and I was hoping to write a Running Diary of Opening Day for the blog here... But Tuesday is Election Day in Illinois so I plan to be at work from roughly 5 AM-midnight (that's about right).

Oh well...

UPDATE: Well I guess it's not all bad. On Monday from 1 PM-3:30 PM, Comcast Sports Net Chicago will air last year's 1-Game Playoff against Minnesota. So yeah, it sucks we're another day from starting the 2009 season, but if you're thinking of turning your DVR or VCR off, you may just want to let it run.

1 comment:

Arthur Fonzarelli said...

working all day tomorrow? what do you do, stuff ballot boxes?